Legislative Committee




Function: The Legislative Committee keeps the membership informed of state and federal legislation under consideration that is relevant to school media programs, promotes Legislative Day, and works with government officials.

Chair: Katherine Freligh ([email protected])

Committee Members: 

Currently recruiting!  If you would like to be a member of the legislative committee, please contact Katherine Freligh.

Composition: The Legislative Committee consists of a Committee Chairperson and members selected by the chair.

Chairperson: The Legislative Committee Chairperson is selected by the SCASL President.


  1. Keeps informed of legislation, both state and federal, that is relevant to school library media centers.
  2.  Helps to inform membership of legislation that is under consideration.
  3.  Contacts lawmakers and staff at state and national level to promote awareness of relevant issues concerning school library media centers.
  4.  Promotes SCASL Legislative Hill Day.
  5.  Attends ALA National Library Legislative Day along with SCASL President-Elect.

South Carolina certified school librarian requirement 

SCASL brochure

Join the SCLA/SCASL Library Advocacy Network

South Carolina Legislature Online – Find Your Legislator 

Try the SC Legislature Mobile App, Countable, or 5 Calls apps to stay up-to-date and involved in education legislation.


Updated: 10 July 2024