Go to http://standards.aasl.org/ for resources and more information.You may order your copy straight from ALA at http://standards.aasl.org/shop/.
FAQWhy do I have to pay to access the library standards?In the past, we had to purchase 3 books to get all of our library standards, Empowering Learners, Standards in Action, and Standards for the 21st Century Learner. This book combines all three of those publications and includes additional resources. Are any available for free online?The Standards Framework for Learners is available for free Where can I find resources about the new standards?http://standards.aasl.org/ has resources for professional development, materials for your use, and discussion forums. Will there be training?You can also see standards-related events across the country at http://standards.aasl.org/calendar/.
You may direct your questions to Heather Thore, [email protected]
or Kristie Haltiwanger, [email protected]. |